segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2018

Tecsun PL-310ET
antena Delta Loop
Feira de Santana, BA

11560 26/Nov 1635 INDIA All India Radio in Russian, difficult to identify the Russian YL. Checking in other SDRs in Russia, Ukraine and Twente, the signal was no better than mine. The sign is fair. (Jorge Freitas-B)

11660 26 / Nov 1654 SWAZILAND TWR in Oromo. Om speaks. The signal is weak. (Jorge Freitas-B)

11720 26 / Nov 1706 MADAGASCAR (Relay) AWR in Swahili. Yl speaks and religious hymn. The signal is good (Jorge Freitas-B)

11750 26 / Nov 1709 SRI LANKA SLBC in Sinhala. Om speaks and local pop music. The signal is good, but with fading. (Jorge Freitas-B)

11835 26 / Nov 1709 SRI LANKA SLBC in Tamil. Local pop music, OM talks. The signal is good, but with fading. Jorge Freitas-B)

17655 26 / Nov 1736 USA VOA in Portuguese. News about Portuguese aviation. The signal is good, but with fading. (Jorge Freitas-B)

15235 26 / Nov 1751 SOUTH AFRICA Channel Africa in English. Yl and OM speak. The signal is good, with some fading. (Jorge Freitas-B)

sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2018

17530 24 / Nov 0056 GUAM (Relay) KSDA-AWR in Karen. Yl speaks, religious hymn. The signal is fair. (Jorge Freitas-B)

11650 24 / Nov 0102 GUAM (Relay) KSDA-AWR in Chinese. Yl speaks and religious hymn. The signal is fair. (Jorge Freitas-B)

terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2018

15720 20/11 0327 NEW ZEALAND RADIO NEW ZEALAND in English. The signal is good, with some fading. (Jorge Freitas-B)

segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2018

Tecsun PL-310ET
antena Delta Loop
Feira de Santana, BA

A RFI cancelou as suas transmissões em português para a África que eram:
1700-1730 on 15485 ISS 500 kW / 155 deg to SoAf
1900-1930 on  9775 ISS 500 kW / 155 deg to SoAf

11750 19 / Nov 1826 SRI LANKA SLBC City FM in Sinhala. Yl presents a musical program. The signal is good. (Jorge Freitas-B)

6180 19 / Nov 1838 BRAZIL RNA in Portuguese. Yl interviews a man. The signal is weak, but with constant audio. (Jorge Freitas-B)

9400 19 / Nov BULGARIA (Relay) Brother Stair in English. Om with religious preaching. The signal is weak and moderate fading. (Jorge Freitas-B)

9525 19 / Nov 1923 FRANCE (Relay) Voice of Welt in Kurdish. Om speaks. The sign is fair. (Jorge Freitas-B)

9940 19 / Nov 1923 SWAZILAND (Relay) TWR AFRICA in Lingala. Om speaks, end of transmission. The signal is good (Jorge Freitas-B)

15825 19 / Nov 1941 USA WWCR Nashville in English. Yl talks. The signal is weak, but the audio is constant. (Jorge Freitas-B)

sábado, 17 de novembro de 2018

Tecsun PL-310ET
antena Delta Loop
Feira de Santana, BA

15255 17 / Nov 1352 GUAM (Relay) KSDA in Kok Borok (listed). Gospel music in the broadcast language. The Sign is fair. (Jorge Freitas-B)

7495 17 / Nov 2051 UZBEKISTAN (Relay) North Korea Reform Radio in Korean. Om speaks. The signal is weak, but constant audio over moderate fading. (Jorge Freitas-B)

7220 17 / Nov 2056 VIETNAM Voice of Vietnam in English. End of transmission. The signal is fair (Jorge Freitas-B)

5915 17 / Nov 2104 ZAMBIA Zambia NBC Radio 1 in Vernacular. Om talks, short snippets of local music. The signal is weak, constant audio. (Jorge Freitas-B)

5965 17 Nov 2114 GUAM (Relay) KSDA in Korean. Yl talks. The signal is weak but constant audio. (Jorge Freitas-B)

9420 17 / Nov 2123 GREECE Helliniki Radiophonia in Greek. Om and Yl speak. The signal is fair, but with fading. (Jorge Freitas-B)

sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2018

Tecsun PL-310ET
antena Delta Loop
Feira de Santana, BA

9495 16 / Nov 1818 TURKEY Voice of Turkey in Spanish. Yl features music program. The signal is fair (Jorge Freitas-B)

9370 16 / Nov 1823 THAILAND (Relay) VOA Deewa Radio in Pashto. Om seems to interview a man. The signal is fair (Jorge Freitas-B)

9585 16 Nov 1836 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (Relay) BBC in Arabic, only HFCC list informs. Oms speak. The signal is fair (Jorge Freitas-B)

9690 16 / Nov 1845 NIGERIA Voice of Nigeria in English. Yl talks. The signal is good. (Jorge Freitas-B)

segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2018

Tecsun PL-310ET
antena Delta Loop
Feira de Santana, BA

9405 12/Nove 2228 PHILIPPINES (relay) FEBC in Chinese. ID signal, transmission start. The signal is fair, but  sufferes moderate QRM since the CRI on 9410. (Jorge Freitas-B)

9420 12/Nov 2235 GREECE, Helliniki Radiophonia in Greek. Greek music. The sign is fair. (Jorge Freitas-B)

6135 12/Nov 2247 BOLIVIA, Radio Santa Cruz in Spanish. Yl talks. The signal is fair. (Jorge Freitas-B)

5952 12 / Nov 2252 BOLIVIA, Emissoras Pio XII in Spanish. Om speaks. The signal is fair. (Jorge Freitas-B)

domingo, 11 de novembro de 2018

Tecsun PL-310ET
antena Delta Loop
Feira de Santana, BA

9525 11 / Nov 2018 FRANCE (Relay) Voice of Welt in Kurdish. Om speaks. The signal is fair, but suffers strong QRM since the Chinese jammer on 9535. (Jorge Freitas-B)

sábado, 10 de novembro de 2018

 Jorge Freitas
Tecsun PL-310ET
antena Delta Loop
Feira de Santana, BA- Brasil

17690 10 / Nov 1132 FRANCE (Relay) Radio Nigeria Kaduna in Hausa. Om speaks. From 1055, several times it has no modulation, only carrier. The signal is weak, but the audio is constant. (Jorge Freitas-B)

17845 10 / Nov 1211 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (Relay) Radio Ergo in Somali. Om talks, short stretches of music. The signal is fair (Jorge Freitas-B)

21610 10 / Nov 1602 USA WHRI Lester Sumrall Teachings in English. Om with religious sermon. The signal is good (Jorge Freitas-B)

11750 10 / Nov 1633 SRI LANKA SLBC in Sinhala. Local music. The signal is weak but constant audio. (Jorge Freitas-B)

sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2018

Jorge Freitas
Tecsun PL-310ET
antena Delta Loop
Feira de Santana, BA- Brasil

A página da SDR.HU voltou a apresentar o posicionamento dos SDRs no mapa, só que não usam mais o Google Maps como antes. Já tem uns 3 dias que o SDR de Pardinho está fora do ar. Por incrível que pareça eu estou ouvindo a Rádio Cairo em 9540 kHz em italiano desde o SDR de Twente. Tem muitos anos que eu não consigo algum áudio sobre uma transmissão da Rádio Cairo.

11610 09/Nov 1726 INGLATERRA (Relay) VOA em somali. Om conversa, entrevista com um homem pelo telefone. O sinal é razoável (Jorge Freitas-B)

11625 09/Nov 1726 MADAGASCAR (Relay) Vatican Radio em Tigrinya. Om fala. O sinal é fraco, mas áudio constante. (Jorge Freitas-B)

11660 09/Nov 1750 SUAZILÂNDIA (Relay) TWR em Oromo. Om fala. O sinal é razoável (Jorge Freitas-B)

11835 09/Nov 1757 CEILÃO SLBC em Tamil. Música pop local. O sinal é bom. Fim fa tx às 2100. (Jorge Freitas-B)

11885 09/Nov 1814 MADAGASCAR (Relay) KNLS em russo. Om fala. O sinal é razoável. (Jorge Freitas-B)

9915 09/Nov 1856 INGLATERRA BBC em inglês. Om entrevista um homem no estúdio. O sinal é bom, mas sofre uma leve QRM desde a All India Radio em 9910 em inglês. (Jorge Freitas-B)

quinta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2018

12140 08/Nov 0933 KUWAIT Radio Azadi em afegão. Yl fala. Sinal é razoável sobre moderado fading. (Jorge Freitas-B)

quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2018

15490 07Nov 1759 ILHA DE ASCENÇÃO (Relay) BBC em francês. Só deu tempo de gravar uns segundos do lindo sinal ID que me faz fazer uma viagem ao passado. O sinal é quase local. (Jorge Freitas-B)

17655 07Nov 1807 USA VOA em português. Anúncio de um programa que tem a participação do ouvinte, divulga os números para envio de SMS que a VOA liga de volta. O sinal é bom, mas tem moderado fading. (Jorge Freitas-B)

5980, 7325, 9600, 11800 08/Nov 0025 ESPANHA REE em espanhol. Como chega aqui em Feira de Santana, BA, as transmissões da REE em espanhol para essa hora. (Jorge Freitas-B)

terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2018

Tem sido informado na lista Wor a recepção da Radio Bata, da Guine Equatorial em 5005 kHz.

Essa é a previsão da propagação para hoje, por Thomas Giella, via a lista Wor:

Southern Hemisphere Radio Wave Propagation Forecast b-

3150-3400, 3500-4100, 4750-5050, 5700-6300 kHz- S9 +1 to 9 at night and S1-3 
at day,

6900-7800, 9200-9995, 10000-10150, 11500-12200 kHz- S9+ 1 to 9 at night and 
S4-7 at day,

13570-13850, 14000-14350, 15005-15900, 17450-17950, 18068-18168 kHz- S0 at 
night and S3-4 at day,

21000-21850 kHz- S0 at night and S1-2 at day,

24890-24990, 25600-26100 kHz- S0 at night and S1 at day,

28000-29700 kHz- S0 at night and S0 at day.

9355 06nov 1837 KUWAIT (Relay) VOA Deewa Radio in Pashto. Looks like an interview in the studio. The signal is good. Parallel with 9370 from Thailand with a slightly better signal, from my point of view (Jorge Freitas-B)

9400 06nov 1913 BULGARIA (Relay) The Overcomer Ministry in English. Religious preaching. The signal is weak. (Jorge Freitas-B)

9445 06Nov 1917 INDIA All India Radio in English. Indian pop music. The signal is fair. (Jorge Freitas-B)

9525 06Nov 1922 FRANCE (Relay) Voice of Welt (Radyo Denge Welat) in Kurdish. Om speech and instrumental music. The signal is fair. (Jorge Freitas-B)

11745 06Nov 1938 SAUDI ARABIA Al-Azm in Arabic. Song of the Qur'an. The signal is fair. (Jorge Freitas-B)

21525 06Nov 1948 USA (Relay) WRMI Radio Africa in English. Om and Yl speak, it seems to be a radio novel. The signal is good (Jorge Freitas-B)